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Configuring a Provider

A provider connects Minder to your software supply chain — giving Minder information about your source code repositories, and their pull requests, dependencies, and artifacts.

The currently supported providers are:

  • GitHub

For GitHub, you configure a Provider by creating a GitHub App.


Create a GitHub App

This approach allows fine-grained control over the permissions that Minder has in users' repositories. It also allows users to limit the repositories that Minder can access.

  1. Navigate to GitHub Developer Settings
  2. Select "Developer Settings" from the left hand menu
  3. Select "GitHub Apps" from the left hand menu
  4. Select "New GitHub App"

Adding a new GitHub App

Basic Information

Complete the following fields:

  • GitHub App Name: My Minder App (or any other name you like)
  • Homepage URL: http://localhost:8080

Basic fields

Identifying and authorizing users

Complete the following fields:

  • Callback URL: http://localhost:8080/api/v1/auth/callback/github-app/app
  • Add an additional Callback URL for Keycloak: http://localhost:8081/realms/stacklok/broker/github/endpoint
  • Select the checkbox for "Request user authorization (OAuth) during installation" Configuring the GitHub Provider


  • Under Webhook, uncheck Active


Select the following permissions:

  • Repository Permissions:
    • Administration (read and write)
    • Contents (read and write)
    • Metadata (read only)
    • Packages (read and write)
    • Pull requests (read and write)
    • Repository security advisories (read and write)
    • Webhooks (read and write)
    • Workflows (read and write)

Once completed, double check your selected numbers match the ones in the screenshot. Permissions

Installation and Scope

For the option "Where can this GitHub App be installed?":

  • Select "Any account" if you want to allow any GitHub user to install the app
  • Or, select "Only on this account" to restrict the app to only your account.

Then select "Create GitHub App" to create the App.


Generate a client secret

You should now have a GitHub App created. You now need to create a Client secret for authentication. Click the Generate a new client secret button.

Client secret

Save the Client secret value for use in the Configure Minder step.

Generate a private key

Scroll down to the bottom of the page and generate a private key. Generate a private key

This will generate and download your private key. Now we need to move and rename the private key. Run the following commands from the Minder root directory, replacing <downloaded-file> with the path to the downloaded private key.

mkdir .secrets
cp <downloaded-file> .secrets/github-app.pem

Configure the Minder server

Now that we've created our GitHub App, we need to configure the Minder server to use it.

Add GitHub App configuration

In your server-config.yaml file, located in the root Minder directory, find the following section:

client_id: "client-id"
client_secret: "client-secret"
redirect_uri: "http://localhost:8080/api/v1/auth/callback/github-app/app" # This needs to match the registered callback URL in the GitHub App

Update the client_id and client_secret values with the following:

  • Client ID : Found in the General -> About section of your GitHub App on GitHub. Client ID
  • Client Secret : The value you saved previously.

Add Provider configuration

Then, find the following section in the same server-config.yaml file:

app_name: "app-name"
app_id: 1234
user_id: 1234
private_key: ".secrets/github-app.pem"

Update the app_name with the name of your app, which you can get by looking at the GitHub URL when editing your GitHub App. For example, if the URL is, then your app name is my-test-app. App name

Update app_id with the app ID of your GitHub App, which is found in the General -> About section of your GitHub App on GitHub. App ID

Finally, you need the user_id value. To get the value, run the following command, where <app-name> is the App name you used above:


Update the user_id value with the id value returned from that command. User ID

Now save the file. Your Provider is now created and the Minder server is configured to use it.